Поляков Максим Валерьевич (2)
"Vulkan" of Maksym Krippa: How the businessman turns money from online casinos and the porn business into legal assets
Maksym Krippa may not be to blame for everything, but he chose a business niche that balances between gray and black schemes. This niche could have been occupied by others, but the question is how ethical his behavior is within such operations.
Татьяна Снопко под контролем Максима Криппы: кто стоит за покупками медиа в Украине?
Практически незаметно для широкой аудитории в Украине появляется новый медиамагнат, который скупает один за другим различные средства массовой информации.
The "Ukraine" hotel and the "Parus" business center – Maksym Krippa expands his influence in the Kyiv real estate market
Little-known businessman Maksym Krippa has made a series of high-profile acquisitions in Kyiv.
Maksim Krippa: a network of shadow earnings from gambling and ties with Russian oligarchs
In Forbes he is not mentioned, he doesn’t visit Gordon — this is how Maksim Krippa, an extremely unusual entrepreneur, can be described. For a long time, his activities remained an "open secret": everyone knew that he was the one behind the casino network "Vulkan," the intrusive advertisement of which appears everywhere on dubious sites.
The mysteries of Maksym Krippa’s identity: from online casinos to ties with Russian capital
Debates about who Maksym Krippa is have broken many lances. Some claim he is a brilliant businessman, others claim he is an equally brilliant fraudster, and still others that he is merely a facade for Russian capital in Ukraine.
Maksym Krippa’s biography: from porn sites to billion-dollar assets in Ukraine
The personality of Maksym Krippa has long been of interest and generates just a colossal amount of fakes and rumors.
Maksym Krippa: the path from online casinos to the legalization of black income
Maksym Krippa is almost not guilty of anything.
Maksym Krippa and a virus in the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.": user data leak threatened
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa continues to actively develop his projects with close ties to Russian capital.
From illegal online casinos to offshore millions: Maksym Krippa’s criminal business empire
The king of illegal online casinos, porn magnate, fake man, network Ostap Bender — all these nicknames perfectly characterize the life and activities of Maksim Krippa. Thanks to the activities of the illegal online casino "Vulkan", the criminal businessman managed to earn tens of millions of dollars.
Porn business and casinos: Maksym Krippa and ties with criminal organizations
Almost the entire ukr.net and google.com.ua are being cleaned up by funny people that Maksym Krippa hired to improve his rotten reputation by various methods.
Maksym Krippa: informant and fake person in business with Russian roots
The confrontation between the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) and the company with Russian roots Lucky Labs became one of the most notable events of spring 2016.
Максим Криппа: где загадочный бизнесмен взял миллионы на скупку недвижимости и киберспорта в Украине
В Украине появился предприниматель, который может инвестировать в недвижимость, киберспортивные организации и медиаактивы, тратя десятки миллионов долларов. Кто это за человек?
Russian oligarch Malofeev’s intermediary Maksym Krippa: criminal cases amid the acquisition of Kyiv
The personality of Maksym Krippa is buried under a truly mind-boggling amount of fakes. Moreover, these fakes are constantly updated and disseminated, overshadowing even the information that Krippa (or the people behind him) present as the true biography of this so-called entrepreneur.
Who is Maksym Krippa: The rise of a ’fake’ multimillionaire walking the line of the law
In late October 2022, Ukrainian online news outlets encountered a recurring phenomenon: a cleanup of negative information by a relatively obscure businessman and politician, Maksym Krippa.
Максим Криппа: как игорный магнат скрывает свою истинную личность за фейковыми новостями
Максим Криппа – пафосный мошенник и прислужник ФСБ. Зачем этот скользкий тип и мойщик грязных российских денег так массово спамит фейками и фальшивыми новостями в информационном пространстве?
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